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Perio-Prosth Synergy with Digital Workflow

Captura de ecrã 2024-02-20, às 14.33.31.png
Captura de ecrã 2024-02-20, às 14.33_edi

The lecture begins by underscoring the indispensable role of precise diagnosis in immediate implantology, positioning it not just as a preliminary step but as the foundation for selecting the appropriate surgical-prosthetic approach tailored to each patient's specific needs.


It then transitions into a detailed exploration of advanced surgical techniques, emphasizing the importance of soft tissue surgery and bone regeneration for the aesthetic and functional longevity of dental implants.


The presentation further introduces effective clinical protocols designed for immediate implantology into a wide range of clinical scenarios encountered in daily practice. These protocols are positioned as tools to provide practitioners with a clear and efficient framework for action across diverse clinical situations, aiming to enhance the practicality and applicability of immediate implantology techniques.


Additionally, the lecture delves into the management of complex situations in implantology, covering the spectrum from handling hopeless teeth with significant recessions to the strategic use of immediate provisional implants for achieving aesthetic success. The role of provisional restorations will also be highlighted.


Additionally, the selection of prosthetic abutments and materials will be discussed.


The overarching goal is to facilitate the adoption of these methodologies into routine dental care, with the aim of optimizing both the aesthetic and functional results of dental implants for patients.

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